Friday 15 January 2010

First Shooting Day

Oh if only you could smell what we smell right now. The house is filled with a mouth-watering composition of all of today's flavours. We started of this morning with going to a local shopping area, called Marabastad. In the parking area we met Mavis, who cooks and grills mielies.

At the next stall Sean photographed this very brave lady who put flattened beer and softdrink cans on top of the fire with her bare hands. She did do so in order to make a kind of diffuser and said like this the fire would still be a great cooking fire in the evening.

Once home we had to get into the 'veld' with Catherina to look for some morogo. Apparently a lot of recipes in South Africa which contain spinach the ingredient list will tell you it can be replaced by any other green edible leafs you can find in the fields.

Finally we were ready to shoot all the recipes Hennie had come up with. Especially for the cookbook Hennie had reinvented the possibilities of pap. The first officially photograped dish he made was delicious pap tert.

Which was followed by pap croutonspap slices on the braai, and many more pap dishes.

Not bothered by any of the thunderstorms that came up in the afternoon we managed to have a good and stress-free start of the cookbook and finalized the direction the book should follow.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ingmar, nice to read the blog. we will follow it with great interest. I remember marogo as a child. My mother made us eat it. The dutch has a vegetable Postelein that she said it was like.

