Friday 17 June 2011

Faithful followers & lovers of African food

Remember the 4th edition Underground Farmers Market this Sunday-19th June from 12-16.30 somewhere in Amsterdam. see for the definate line up of micro-producers, of course fab Afrosnacks and REAL gingerbeer. ..see recipe below-
 there's margarita icecreams, ambrosia truffels,peace hummous, home grown sambal, DIY instant jelly beans..? enough to stop by for. Check this site about 1 hour before opening time for exact location..
                                                     Gingembre- real African gingerbeer

  • Gingembre
    (home made ginger beer-not for the fainthearted)

    250 g fresh ginger, sliced and bruised
    2 lemons
    1 stick of cinnamon
    1 teaspoon cloves
    500 g sugar
    1 teaspoon baking powder
    1 teaspoon dried instant yeast

    Method:  Scrub the ginger and lemon. Grate the ginger on a course grater and peel the lemon. Place the grated ginger, lemon peel, cinnamon, cloves, sugar and the baking powder in a large clean container, which can hold 3 liters. Bring 3 liters of water to the boil and pour over the ginger and spices. Squeeze the juice from the lemons and add to the mixture.  Stir to dissolve the sugar, cover with a clean tea towel and allow mixture to cool to room temperature. Sprinkle over the yeast, stir and cover with cling film. Leave to ferment for 24 hours in a warm draught-free spot. Sprain through a very fine sieve and pour into suitable bottles. Refrigerate and serve icy-cold with a slice of lemon. Open bottles carefully as slight fermentation will continue in the bottles. Makes 3 liters 


  1. Sounds refreshing. Question: When is the baking powder added to the concoction?

  2. Hi Marnix, the baking powder goes in with the ginger, lemon peel, cinnamon ect. and boiling water is poured over. The mixture will fizz a little at first. Good luck!

  3. Why baking powder and not baking soda? Maybe a typo?

  4. Hi Robin, I'm more of an over enthusiastic home cook than the Harold McGee type but here goes- both baking powder and baking soda contain sodium bicarbonate but baking powder also contain cream of tartar, an acid. This makes the two react differently as raising agents but I think in the case of the ginger beer, baking powder would add a tang to the taste...? I think it would work with baking soda too. Give it try, meanwhile I'm hunting for tree tomatoes in Mombasa, watch this space..
